Our fees are calculated based on a range of factors applied by the New Zealand Law Society which include: time, expertise, importance, urgency and results achieved. The current hourly rate that will apply to the person primarily responsible for your file will be $350.00 (Partner of firm) or $250.00 (Associate/Solicitor of firm) plus GST.
If this is a conveyancing transaction which:
- is not settled within 3 weeks, or
- requires that we apply for a LIM report or undertake any searches for you prior to settlement.
we will require the sum of $500 up front on account of costs before we are able to undertake any work on your behalf. This money will be held in our Trust account on your behalf and not accessed by us until an invoice has been rendered to you.
Likewise for all other matters, we will require a retainer between $ 350 – $ 500 before we are able to undertake any work on your behalf. This money will be held in our Trust account on your behalf and not accessed by us until an invoice has been rendered to you.
We also charge for other costs incurred which may include forms, tolls, photocopying, faxes, registrations, searches, mileage and other similar costs incurred in relation to the work undertaken on your behalf. The cost charged for some of these items will also incur an additional administrative component to reflect the management of these expenses. On most files a sundry set office charge will be added to cover the costs of postage, file establishment, local calls etc.
It is our policy to render regular accounts which are due within 14 days of the date on the account. We may elect to invoice you on regular interim basis where the matter is taking a medium to long term to complete.
Our letter of engagement serves as an Authority to us to deduct our fees and costs from any funds held by you where work has been undertaken to the value of the fees and costs.
If the engagement letter specifies a fixed fee, we will charge this for the agreed scope of our services. If there is work which falls outside that scope, this will be charged on an hourly rate basis. We will advise you as soon as reasonably practicable if it becomes necessary for us to provide services outside the agreed scope and, if requested, give you an estimate of the likely amount of the further costs.